I can’t wait for tomorrow!

It’s Christmas Eve and my husband and I are planning a quiet day at home to celebrate together.

Without any children or pets, it’s just the two of us and several “surprises” he has planned…

(He’s downright giddy about these surprises so I can only imagine…)

I have a strong suspicion that one of the gifts under our tree is a game we’ve both been wanting for a while…

So our day is likely going to be spent playing that and eating some delicious food!

A showing of Die Hard may also be in order.

Because yes… in our household, it is a Christmas movie. I know there’s a great debate on this.

Then, on Wednesday, we’re headed out-of-state to spend Christmas day with my family.

More delicious food, more gifts, and more people I love!

This is a fantastic time of year because it gives us a moment to reflect on the things in life that are truly important.

Our loved ones, our health, and the opportunities we’ve been given…

We can also look back at the past 12-months and remember the many successes and failures that have brought us to this point.

I recently shared my “best things” from the year in a video chat with Kevin Rogers.

I told him how the power of community has helped me grow my business by leaps and bounds.

I’ve discovered my tribe of writers who I can go to for input, ideas, and inspiration.

It’s made a HUGE difference in my mindset and in my business.

So I’d encourage you — whatever your business, whatever your industry — find a group of peers to help you along the way.

It will make those rough spots easier to navigate…

And those successes all the sweeter.

2019 was great, but I am confident that 2020 will be even better!

With more breakthroughs… more new projects… and more fantastic connections with colleagues and clients.

And I wish the very same success and happiness for you.

So, here’s to a fantastic 2019 and an even better 2020 for us all!!

What was your “best thing” from this past year?

Write in the comments and tell me.

The New Year is a great time to start out fresh with your mindset, your fitness, and even with your business.  If you’d like help refining your lead magnet for a strong start to 2020 – then send me an email and write “lead magnet” in the subject line. 

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a very Great New Year to you and your family!