This new video series is going to break down some of the very best lead magnets you can find.

Each episode will include:

  • A full visual tour of the featured lead magnet’s funnel flow,
  • Analysis of the written and visual content,
  • Ways the messaging could be improved to expanded,
  • Some key takeaway tips for you to apply to your own business’s lead magnets.

But, I’m going to take things ONE step farther!

On occasion, I’d love to feature one of YOUR lead magnets in a Magnet Monday episode. Sure, the final draft might not be done, but this video review could help you spark some serious ideas.

This is a great way to better you folks who have already sent in your lead magnets with questions or advice.

We’ll take a work-in-progress or recently published lead magnet and go through its elements step-by-step. Even if your own lead magnet isn’t the one in the hot seat, you’ll still learn new techniques to apply to your own business.

So, what do you think? Do you want to put your lead magnet in the line-up for a potential review? Are there certain elements or awesome lead magnets you think I should include in future videos?

Let me know in the comments below.

And see you next week for our first episode!